Become a member of The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society via the Join Here page.
- We believe that a handwritten letter is one of the loveliest, most personal things, anyone can receive.
- We feel people may be missing a handwritten letter or two in their lives.
- We pledge to keep handwritten letters alive by encouraging people to carry on writing them.
- We see a person’s handwriting as a thing of beauty.
- Along with handwriting we feel all stationery and the Postal Service are wondrous things and something to be used regularly.
- We want others to be the collectors of their loved-ones’, friends’, and sometimes (if they are lucky) famous people’s handwriting.
- We would say “Just go for it!” You don’t need to be Jane Austen or Thomas Hardy to write someone a letter.
- In a pledge to encourage intimacy through letter writing we would only urge caution regarding sharing whole letters on-line. Those with permission are a wonderful insight and inspiration but those without kind of puts a spanner in the works and defeats the object of writing personal letters.
- We would definitely love to see the places where people write letters, e.g. dining room table, study, library, on a bus, in the summerhouse/treehouse/shed, tearoom, train, up a mountain, on a boat, in a classroom, in fact, anywhere you like. It doesn’t always have to be the same place – just send us a photo to inspire us . (See Gallery.)
- Finally, may your love of handwritten letters be forever ignited and rekindled.