I’m not expecting anyone to read these blogs if I’m honest, it’s just really good fun writing down my thoughts on “stuff”. Funny that for someone who does generally have high expectations in life, for this little Society I really don’t. I mean I want it to do well, I’d love to be super uber entrepreneurial but, at the minute anyway, I’m really not.
I was given some advice by a lovely fascinating and brave man (he did hostage negotiations in a former life) who I met at a fundraising course some weeks ago who said that the words we use give us away. He said I shouldn’t refer to The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society as my “little” Society because it undersells it. I know what he means (to some extent), the Dragon’s Den would never give me their dosh on the strength of that, but 1) I use it more as a term of affection and 2) I so want to stay real, vulnerabilities, doubts and all.
So anyway, with no expectations of anyone reading them I want to write some open letters (that is they’re meant to be out there) to people who have made a difference to me over the years especially in terms of Outdoor Education but maybe not exclusively. I might also get bored of that or mix it up with other blogs. We’ll see.
Just delighted if you read them but really don’t mind if you don’t. I’m just having a lovely time, so thank you if you’re a part of the ride.