Adventures in Letter Writing No. 53: “Enough about me, what do you think about me?” (Family saying)

I love this time of year, especially the month of May. Everything just bursts into life, everywhere looks so green and full of hope. It’s not too hot and it’s not too cold and the views all look particularly in focus for some reason. The light maybe. It helps that it’s my birthday on the 24th as well. Normally though I’m really excited about it, but I feel a bit flat this year. I think I suddenly felt all self-conscious about going on and on about it (um, clearly) but in my defence it’s not in an attempt to get more cards or presents, it’s genuinely because I want to celebrate the day and say “Hey! Guess what! It’s my birthday!” In my mind’s eye at that point I want to do a little spin round on one foot (try it, it’s funny). In reality I don’t, the spinney round bit I mean.

I do always tell people they should do the same (the telling people it’s their birthday). It is annoying getting old but some people would’ve done anything to get old so out of respect for them we should make the most of each birthday we are given. Sorry, that sounds a bit preachy doesn’t it. You must celebrate (or not celebrate) however you want.

I ought to be feeling particularly giddy about this year because my birthday buddy Queen Victoria would’ve been 200 years old and Royal Mail are releasing (is that the right word?) commemorative stamps on the day which really is the coolest birthday present ever, and the kind ladies down at Swanage Post Office are putting 30 aside for me to collect on the day. Another reason to be excited is I have lots of other groovy birthday buddies including not only three actual friends but also Bob Dylan, and Korby Lenker who visited our letter writing stand at Purbeck Valley Folk Festival last year. Really if you haven’t already, look up which famous people you share your day with. It’s always enlightening.

The Postal Museum are having a whole week of Victorian-themed activities too which sounds amazing and the first 200 people can get in for 1p on Friday. Maybe that’s why I feel a bit flat because I was so hoping to make it there but everyone is busy and I didn’t fancy a trip to London on the Friday before half-term on my lonesome.

So anyway, this year, apart from telling the ladies at the Post Office it’s my birthday, I’m going to have a quiet one. Nobody is around and I don’t have to work so I’m going to spend the day up here in my shed writing letters to people, having a dilemma as to whether to mention it’s my birthday or not. However, there will most definitely be cake…


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