Delighted to be asked to put together a letter writing workshop for the Fiona McBride Consulting Wellbeing Deck offered to companies during the pandemic.
Below outlines what a session would involve together with some background information about me.
Letter Writing Session with
The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society
Dinah is on a mission to inspire and encourage everyone to keep writing letters to each other because she believes they are such an important way for us to connect one to one and are something lots of us are missing out on.
The session includes a talk about how the Society started, the idea behind it, some of the funny stories and amazing moments along the way, what makes a good letter, getting started, ways to get creative, and why it’s important to keep this lovely form of communication alive.
Bring along some paper or a postcard, envelope, pen and stamp to join in a short letter writing activity during the session.
There will be time for questions and to hear each other’s letter writing stories, as well as tips on where to find further inspiration.
Session duration: 1 hour
Facilitator: Dinah Johnson

Dinah Johnson
Dinah is the Founder of The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society. She would describe her life as “a collection of meanderings to reflect upon in letters” born out of the idea that no matter what your situation, career, or walk of life, we all have a story to tell and it can be shared with others through a letter.
Dinah has always been passionate about letter writing her whole life. Feeling a need to harness all her enthusiasm for writing letters she set up the Society in October 2017.
Life experiences include a BEd (Hons) in Outdoor and Science Education, Art Foundation Studies, working in numerous clerical departments across Oxfordshire, 20 years teaching environmental education in Outdoor Centres in Dorset, trying to raise two children, volunteering roles from running a Wildlife Trusts’ Wildlife Watch Group, to setting up school gardening projects, and being a key fundraiser and organiser for school PTAs. Yet to be awarded Domestic Goddess status.
To find out more visit

Do email either myself at or Fiona at if you would like to find out more.
Hi Dinah. I often lament the decline of letter writing. Whilst at college I received letters (sometimes two or three if I was lucky) a day.
I overheard someone looking at our letters notice board (a string latticed piece of green baize that all communication was woven into each day for us to collect). ‘Oh my God how many letters does he get!? As the board had three or more that day.
However technology put paid to all that. Although I kept every letter and reread them.
I read the article in the i. If you send me your address I promise to write back. Keep up the great work. Yours sincerely, Mark
Hi Mark, Thanks for getting in touch. I love hearing these stories of letter writing, I’m assuming from the 1990s and earlier. It’s lovely looking back at handwritten letters from years ago. They’re like time-portals, I find. Do you write many letters now? My Society address is The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society, PO Box 9347, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 9BG. It was quite something to appear in the i like we did. I hadn’t really expected a whole page! Many thanks again, Dinah PS where were you at college? Just to picture you back then.