Having emailed an agency journalist who’d got in touch for a comment about what it would mean if letter writing was lost and why it was important to keep the tradition alive, I didn’t really know which newspaper we might appear in, so it was fun to find out we were in the Daily Mail and Daily Star a couple of days later.
I have this lovely set up with our local newsagent where whenever we might be in a publication I ring them up and they put whichever publication by for me and when I go to collect them we lay the newspaper or magazine out on the counter and flick through the pages in excited anticipation together. The Daily Star one did make me giggle because I had said quite a lot more than that, but I totally understand about space being at a premium and it was great that the Society got a mention not only in that paper but also in the Daily Mail, both printed and online.
Click HERE to read the Daily Mail online article.