Postie Appreciation Christmas Cards, December 2024

Got loads of Christmas cards but now thinking it’s too expensive to send them? Why not join me in sending them for FREE to show appreciation to our lovely posties in your local area, and to let Royal Mail Head Office know just how much we value our wonderful postmen and women.


  1. For each day of December (or just on as many days as you want) write a Christmas card of thanks to your local posties and pop it in a local postbox. It won’t need a stamp because whoever empties the postbox can take it down to the Delivery Office to make a pretty Christmas card display there.
  2. Also send some Christmas cards for FREE to Royal Mail Head Office using their FREEPOST address telling them how much you value our wonderful posties and all the work they do. There’s also the opportunity to let the CEO know that if they made stamps affordable, reinvested profits into the service, and made an effort to promote letter writing, we’d all be happier for it.
  3. Do take a photo of you posting your Postie Appreciation Christmas Cards and share it on social media tagging us in @letterappsoc, and @RoyalMail if you like. They’ll make lovely #PostboxSaturday contributions too! See how many different postboxes you can use as well!
  4. The address to send your cards to Royal Mail Head Office is:

Royal Mail Customer Services
PO Box 76085

It genuinely feels really sad that so many people are giving up on sending post of any kind let alone Christmas cards because of the soaring costs of stamps, so it was just an opportunity to actually use the nice Christmas cards you may have bought and spread a bit of love for our postal workers.

Nobody wants to be reminded of 2020 but they really were there for us during those difficult times. I love the thought of them receiving cards of thanks four years on, but also for just always being our lovely regular posties, bringing us cards and letters and parcels six days a week, 12 months of the year!

Thanks everso, everyone!


PS I’m guessing you could do the same for the posties in whichever part of the world you’re in. Why not give it a go!

8 thoughts on “Postie Appreciation Christmas Cards, December 2024

  1. Scott Montgomery says:

    I agree it is important to thank everyone working in our postal service; he typed at 6:34am in New York City, they deliver our domestic and international post all year round which must be quite a challenge.

    So why not show them some appreciation and send them a wee festive greeting, note of thanks or even a letter? 🤗📝✉️📮📯

    I will upon my return to UK shores in December, promise. ❤️

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Alison Kirkbride says:

    Hi Dinah
    I wonder if you have time to include all your Facebook posts in a blog for the people, like me who aren’t on Facebook?

    I used to be able to access all your posts on your Facebook page and did so enjoy keeping up to date with your thoughts and musings BUT this all changed this year and now if you aren’t a member of the Facebook gang you can view 3 posts at the most and sometimes not even that many before the page demands you sign in. I miss following your great ideas and news and so wondered if you can repeat your posts in your blog for the few social media non members.
    PS I am starting a letter writing/christmas card sending campaign where I post a card/letter through every letter box on our road before January 1st 2025….phew, I live on a long road so I’d better get on with it.

    1. D1nah_ says:

      Hi Alison, I applaud you for avoiding social media, and thank you for your kind comments about my general online shenanigans. I tend to do social media from my cronky old iphone when the camera works, and my website from here on the PC so it doesn’t make it very compatible I’m afraid. Are you on Instagram, Twitter or Bluesky because I share them there as well? As you know it’s generally just to spread the word for sending handwritten letters as and when a thought or idea comes to me. It wouldn’t really work to put them all in a blog, I don’t think. Well done on your Christmas card sending. That’s a lovely idea. I was wondering whether to drop cards into the houses that have pretty Christmas lights to say thank you for brightening up my walk to the postbox at this time of year. Warm wishes, and thanks everso for all your support, Dinah

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