It was lovely to join the Royal Voluntary Service’s Virtual Village Hall to give an online talk about the Art of Handwritten Letters. The talk included the idea behind The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society, what it’s about, and why it’s important to keep this lovely form of communication alive. It also looked at what makes a good letter and how to get started, ideas on how to decorate letters and envelopes and interesting things you can enclose to surprise your recipient.
We also did a short postcard writing activity together. Participants just needed to bring along a pen, postcard or piece of paper to join in. Homemade postcards using a piece of card (e.g. from a cereal box) and a picture from a magazine or newspaper or printed out could be used too if people didn’t have access to shop bought ones.
Click HERE to watch via Facebook.
Do get in touch if you would like a talk about the beauty of handwritten letters for your club, society or business.