We have a News page!

We’ve had a little shuffle around of the pages and have now got a News page just to let people know of any upcoming events or things that might be happening at The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society.  All that’s moved is the Quotes page from the top menu which has replaced Postcards on the Be Inspired page.

It’s always lovely to think that anyone comes to read the website in the first place so thank you for being patient if there’s been anything obviously missing this past year.

Which leads nicely into the other piece of news in that we now have a PO Box in case anyone would like to write directly to The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society. Because we weren’t sure how THLAS would unfold (and because PO Boxes are quite expensive) we held fire a little while just to see if it was needed (and because I was dithering around deciding). My only excuse was that the idea of The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society is really about encouraging people to write to their friends and family, not necessarily me (although of course I do love to receive letters), but I appreciate an address is good. So anyway, we now have one which along with the clogs and the Christmas Dinner this week is all very exciting. 


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