Rainbows Penpal Club

Please note: To join Rainbows Penpal Club you will need to contact Marjorie directly either via their Facebook page or email address (see below).

Rainbows Penpal Club, set up and run by Marjorie Edwards based in the UK, is a club for all ages, home and overseas, offering a quarterly magazine for people to choose their own penpals as well as reading articles on pen pal life stories, letter writing, puzzles and more.

To find out more follow the link HERE to their Facebook page or email Marjorie at rainbows5534@hotmail.co.uk

25 thoughts on “Rainbows Penpal Club

    1. D1nah_ says:

      Hi Helen, Thanks for getting in touch. Rainbows Penpal Club is a different organisation from The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society but if you email the organiser Marjorie at rainbows5534@hotmail.co.uk she can help you. Hope that’s useful. Kind regards, Dinah

      1. Shirley Reader says:

        Hi Marjorie. I don’t do Facebook, however I am fine with all other technology.
        I love writing, journals, observations, and just communication through letters. Sadly no longer ‘trendy’. I would like to join your group. Can you please let me know how I could do that.
        Shirley Reader

        1. D1nah_ says:

          Hi Shirley, Sorry, this is not a direct link to Marjorie. You would need to contact her directly via the email given (rainbows5534@hotmail.co.uk) at Rainbows Penpal Club. Hope that helps. Dinah

  1. Kay Coltnan.............Miss. says:

    I would like to receive this magazine through the post…
    How do I subscribe to it….to start to receive it….?
    I am a lady in her early 60’s seeking people to write to…penfriends….

    1. D1nah_ says:

      Hi Arianne, Do contact Marjorie Edwards on this email address (rainbows5534@hotmail.co.uk) to see if she can help. Best wishes, Dinah

    1. D1nah_ says:

      Hi Margaret, If you are looking for a penpal then do contact Marjorie directly via the email address above. She will sort one out for you. Hope that helps. Best wishes, Dinah

  2. John Darby says:

    Hello Dinah,
    I’m in my 60’s and looking for a penpal to practice my long lost calligraphy. My site isn’t as good as it was and my writing has slipped a bit. Can you help?
    Kind regards John

    1. D1nah_ says:

      Hi John, Don’t worry, I knew what you meant. Thank you for getting in touch. The best thing to do to find a penpal is to contact Marjorie Edwards directly via her email (rainbows5534@hotmail.co.uk) and she will certainly put you in touch with a fellow letter writer to correspond with. Marjorie runs the Rainbows Penpal Club. I hope that helps. Warm wishes, Dinah

      1. Susie Howey says:

        Hi Dinah, I would like to join the Rainbows pen pal club. Please can you advise me? I’m sure I tried before, but was unable to do something, via the computer? Many thanks. Susie

  3. Joanne Prince says:

    I am looking for new penpals to write letters too I heard about yourself from someone
    I write letters to I would like penpals from the uk Only I don’t if they are male or female

    1. D1nah_ says:

      Hi Joanne, Please can you email Marjorie at Rainbows Penpal Club directly on the email address shown. Many thanks, Dinah


    good afternoon from Scotland my name is pamela Barclay I came across your page it looks nice and friendly could you possible give me more details please if possible

    1. D1nah_ says:

      Hi Pamela, To contact Rainbows Penpal Club you need to email Marjorie directly via the email address given here. Warm wishes, Dinah

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