Being a huge supporter of Royal Mail it’s so sad to feel like they’ve lost their core aims in recent years in terms of valuing and promoting letter writing, reinvesting into the historic and once great postal service, proposing to cut deliveries, and increasing the cost of stamps to make it unaffordable and unattractive to send letters and postcards. I hate to say it but as a loyal and dedicated letter writer it also makes me feel a bit used and abused.
If anyone wanted to join us in writing to Royal Mail Head Office for FREE about the value of letter writing and the way forward then the address is:
Royal Mail Customer Services
PO Box 76085
Having been asked by Royal Mail’s Head of Public Affairs “how we might be able to work together to promote the value of handwritten letters” my recommendations would be:
- Affordable postage stamps
- Reinvest profits into the service (at least until the business is back on its feet again)
- Promote letter writing – letters and parcels don’t need to be mutually exclusive.

Fab work Dinah!