Aim: To amass as many postcards as possible from around the world at THLAS HQ during the summer holidays (end of July to beginning of September).
Purpose: For fun. To see how many we can get. To keep the art of sending postcards alive. To encourage everyone (and definitely kids) to keep writing during the holidays.
How: Find a postcard (shop, home, handmade), write something on it, attach a stamp, then send to:
THLAS #PostcardDrop2023
PO Box 9347
Swanage, Dorset
BH19 9BG
Outcome: (Hopefully) lots of amazing postcards from all around the world to show that postcard writing is still alive and well!
Back in 2021 we received 118 which are all treasured and will one day be a part of The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society Museum & Discovery Centre (idea in progress).
If you would like to read more about the idea behind The Big Summer Holiday Postcard Drop, click HERE.
Thank you so much for taking part!
Some of the lovely postcards that arrived during The Big Summer Holiday #PostcardDrop2021:

This reminded me of the postcard chain letters I used to receive as a child in the 1960s. The letter included instructions and a list of about ten names and addresses. If I remember correctly, you were supposed to send a postcard to each name on the list. Then you gave a copy of the chain letter to perhaps five or six friends, omitting the first name on the list but adding your own name and address at the bottom. The idea was that you should receive dozens of postcards to add to your postcard collection. I think I received about 3 or 4. Ah, happy days, when no-one worried about sharing their name and address with strangers! Hope you receive lots of cards, I’ve just sent one off.
Dear Dinah
Will there be a “Big Summer Holiday #Postcard Drop 2024”? I do hope so.
Best wishes,
Wendy (THLAS Member No. 553)
Yes, I don’t see why not. It’s always fun, isn’t it. I wonder if Rob Beckett will do his one too on BBC Radio 2. Dinah